Monday, April 20, 2009

A Word on Posting Comments to Numismatics and Archaeology

This morning I received a long comment from an anonymous reader on a post made last summer. I have rejected this comment on the grounds that 1) it is simply a personal attack with no substance and 2) the comment was unsigned.

When I started this blog, I made it clear that I am happy to post comments as long as they remain civil and respectful. Although I thought it was common courtesy to sign your name to your own comments, it seems I should also clearly indicate I expect all future comments to be signed. Angry and personal comments like the one I received today can easily be dismissed as the activities of an internet troll, especially when the individual has not even the gumption to sign his own post.

Amid a string of attacks, the anonymous commentator criticizes the picture of the Constantinian coin on the left as being itself "loot." To the contrary, it comes from the excavations at Yotvata, Israel where I am processing the coin finds. Some keen readers may recognize it from the illustrations in "Why Coins Matter..." or "A Survey of the Material and Intellectual Consequences of Trading in Undocumented Coins: A Case Study on the North American Trade."